「送る」に入れるスクリプトダンプ : 【VBScript】


C:\Program Files\laylaClass\tool

dump_w.vbs と dump_c.vbs は両方とも、上記ディレクトリに作成します

※ 「送る」は C:\Documents and Settings\ユーザー\SendTo です
Set WshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )   
Set Fso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

strCurPath = WScript.ScriptFullName
Set obj = Fso.GetFile( strCurPath )
Set obj = obj.ParentFolder
strCurPath = obj.Path

Call WshShell.Run( "cmd /c cscript.exe """ & _
	strCurPath & "\dump_c.vbs"" """ & WScript.Arguments(0) & """ | more & pause" )   
' ****************************************************
' ファイルを16進数でダンプします
' ****************************************************
Dim Fs,Stream
Dim InFile
Dim Kana
Dim KjFlg
Kana = Array( _
"。","「","」","、","・","ヲ","ァ","ィ","ゥ","ェ","ォ","ャ","ュ","ョ","ッ", _
"ー","ア","イ","ウ","エ","オ","カ","キ","ク","ケ","コ","サ","シ","ス","セ","ソ", _
"タ","チ","ツ","テ","ト","ナ","ニ","ヌ","ネ","ノ","ハ","ヒ","フ","ヘ","ホ","マ", _
"ミ","ム","メ","モ","ヤ","ユ","ヨ","ラ","リ","ル","レ","ロ","ワ","ン","゙","゚" )

Set Fs = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

InFile = WScript.Arguments(0)

Dim LineBuffer,DispBuffer,CWork,nCnt,strBuff,i,j

if not Fs.FileExists( InFile ) then
	Wscript.Echo "ファイルが存在しません"
end if

' ------------------------------------------------------
' Stream のオープン
' ------------------------------------------------------
' Stream タイプの指定
Stream.Type = 1		' StreamTypeEnum の adTypeBinary
' ------------------------------------------------------
' 既存ファイルの内容を Stream に読み込む
Stream.LoadFromFile InFile
' ------------------------------------------------------
' バイナリ型の Stream オブジェクトからを読み取って加工
Bcnt = 0
nCnt = 0
KjFlg = ""

Do while not Stream.EOS

	if ( nCnt MOD 16 ) = 0 then
		Wscript.Echo "          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7" _
		& "  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F"
		Wscript.Echo "--------------------------------" _
		& "------------------------------------------"
	end if

	' 16 バイトの読込
	LineBuffer = Stream.Read(16)

	strBuff = ""
	For i = 1 to LenB( LineBuffer )
		CWork = MidB(LineBuffer,i,1)
		Cwork = AscB(Cwork)
		Cwork = Hex(Cwork)
		Cwork = Ucase(Cwork)
		Cwork = Right( "0" & Cwork, 2 )
		DispBuffer = DispBuffer & Cwork & " "
		strBuff = strBuff & CharConv( Cwork )

	Wscript.Echo _
		Right( _
			"00000000" & Ucase(Hex( nCnt * 16 )), 8 _
		) & " " & _
		Left(DispBuffer & String(49," "), 49 ) & strBuff
	DispBuffer = ""

	nCnt = nCnt + 1
' ------------------------------------------------------
' Stream を閉じる

Set Stream = Nothing
Stream = Empty
Set Fs = Nothing
Fs = Empty

' ****************************************************
' 生データのテキスト
' ****************************************************
function CharConv( HexCode )

	Dim nCode

	nCode = Cint( "&H" & HexCode )

	if KjFlg = "" then
		if &H81 <= nCode and nCode <= &H84 or _
			&H88 <= nCode and nCode <= &H9f or _
			&HE0 <= nCode and nCode <= &HEA then
			KjFlg = HexCode
			CharConv = ""
			Exit Function
		end if
		if HexCode <> "00" then
			KjFlg = KjFlg & HexCode
			CharConv = Chr( Cint( "&H" & KjFlg ) )
			CharConv = ".."
		end if
		KjFlg = ""
		Exit Function
	end if

	if 0 <= nCode and nCode <= &H1F then
		CharConv = "."
	end if
	if &H20 <= nCode and nCode <= &H7E then
		CharConv = Chr(nCode)
	end if
	if &H7F <= nCode and nCode <= &HA0 then
		CharConv = "."
	end if
	if &HA1 <= nCode and nCode <= &HDF then
		CharConv = Kana(nCode-&HA1)
	end if
	if &HE0 <= nCode and nCode <= &HFF then
		CharConv = "."
	end if

end function


C:\WINNT\system32\wscript.exe "C:\Program Files\laylaClass\tool\dump_w.vbs"