REM ********************************************************** REM シングルクォートで囲む REM ********************************************************** Function Ss( strValue ) Ss = "'" & strValue & "'" End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ダブルクォートで囲む REM ********************************************************** Function Dd( strValue ) Dd = """" & strValue & """" End function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列より機械的にフォルダ部分を取得する REM ********************************************************** Function GetStringDir( strValue ) Dim aData,I,str strValue = Replace( strValue, """", "" ) aData = Split( strValue, "\" ) str = "" For I = 0 to Ubound( aData ) - 1 if I <> 0 then str = str & "\" end if str = str & aData(I) Next GetStringDir = str End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列のバイト計算 REM ********************************************************** Function ByteLen( strTarget ) Dim i,nLen,nRet,strMoji,nAsc nRet = 0 nLen = Len( strTarget ) For i = 1 to nLen nRet = nRet + 2 strMoji = Mid( strTarget, i, 1 ) nAsc = Asc( strMoji ) if &H20 <= nAsc and nAsc <= &H7E then nRet = nRet - 1 end if if &HA1 <= nAsc and nAsc <= &HDF then nRet = nRet - 1 end if Next ByteLen = nRet End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 指定数、指定文字列左側を埋める REM ********************************************************** Function Lpad( strValue, str, nLen ) Lpad = Right( String(nLen,str) & strValue, nLen ) End Function Function LpadB( strValue, str, nLen ) Dim strWork,nLen2 strWork = Right( String(nLen,str) & strValue, nLen ) nLen2 = nLen Do While ByteLen( strWork ) > nLen nLen2 = nLen2 - 1 if nLen2 <= 0 then Exit Do end if strWork = Right( String(nLen,str) & strValue, nLen2 ) Loop LpadB = strWork End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 指定数、指定文字列右側を埋める REM ********************************************************** Function Rpad( strValue, str, nLen ) Rpad = Left( strValue & String(nLen,str), nLen ) End Function Function RpadB( strValue, str, nLen ) Dim strWork,nLen2 strWork = Left( strValue & String(nLen,str), nLen ) nLen2 = nLen Do While ByteLen( strWork ) > nLen nLen2 = nLen2 - 1 if nLen2 <= 0 then Exit Do end if strWork = Left( strValue & String(nLen,str), nLen2 ) Loop RpadB = strWork End function REM ********************************************************** REM 正規表現のトリム REM ********************************************************** Function RegTrim( strValue ) Dim regEx, str Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.IgnoreCase = True regEx.Pattern = "^[ \s]+" str = regEx.Replace( strValue, "" ) regEx.Pattern = "[ \s]+$" RegTrim = regEx.Replace( str, "" ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM Wscript で実行された場合はメッセージを表示して終了 REM ********************************************************** Function WscriptQuit( ) if ScriptType <> 1 then Exit Function end if Dim str str = WScript.FullName str = Right( str, 11 ) str = Ucase( str ) if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then strMessage = "コマンドプロンプトより cscript " & WScript.ScriptFullName strMessage = strMessage & " と指定して実行して下さい   " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strMessage = strMessage & "( この文字列をクリップボードにコピーしたい場合は" strMessage = strMessage & " ctrl+c です )" WScript.Echo strMessage WScript.Quit end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM Wscript で実行された場合は Cscript で実行しなおす REM ********************************************************** Function Crun( ) if ScriptType <> 1 then Exit Function end if Dim str str = WScript.FullName str = Right( str, 11 ) str = Ucase( str ) if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then str = WScript.ScriptFullName GetWshShell strParam = " " For I = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1 if instr(Wscript.Arguments(I), " ") < 1 then strParam = strParam & Wscript.Arguments(I) & " " else strParam = strParam & Dd(Wscript.Arguments(I)) & " " end if Next Call WshShell.Run( "cmd.exe /c cscript.exe " & Dd(str) & strParam & " & pause", 3 ) WScript.Quit end if End Function Function Crun2( nCol ) if ScriptType <> 1 then Exit Function end if Dim str str = WScript.FullName str = Right( str, 11 ) str = Ucase( str ) if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then str = WScript.ScriptFullName GetWshShell strParam = " " For I = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1 if instr(Wscript.Arguments(I), " ") < 1 then strParam = strParam & Wscript.Arguments(I) & " " else strParam = strParam & Dd(Wscript.Arguments(I)) & " " end if Next Call WshShell.Run( "cmd.exe /c mode con: cols=" _ & nCol & " & cscript.exe " & Dd(str) & strParam & " & pause", 3 ) WScript.Quit end if End function REM ********************************************************** REM ソース内のテキストリソースを取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetInline( strName ) GetInline = RegTrim( getResource( strName ) ) & vbCrLf End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 実行中のスクリプトのタイプ REM 1:WSH, 2:HTA, 3:ASP, 0:不明 REM ********************************************************** Function ScriptType( ) Dim nType nType = 0 if IsObject( Wscript ) then nType = 1 else if IsObject( window ) then nType = 2 else if IsObject( Server ) then nType = 3 end if end if end if ScriptType = nType End Function Sub print( strData ) Dim strType strType = ScriptType( ) Select Case strType Case 1 Wscript.Echo strData Case 2 document.write strData Case 3 Response.Write strData End Select End Sub Sub print2( strData ) Dim strType strType = ScriptType( ) Select Case strType Case 1 Wscript.Echo strData & vbCrLf Case 2 document.write strData & vbCrLf Case 3 Response.Write strData & vbCrLf End Select End Sub Sub print3( strData ) Dim strType strType = ScriptType( ) Select Case strType Case 1 Wscript.Echo strData & "
" & vbCrLf Case 2 document.write strData & "
" & vbCrLf Case 3 Response.Write strData & "
" & vbCrLf End Select End Sub REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列を指定して、変数にオブシェクトを作成させる REM ********************************************************** Function GetObj( strTarget, strObjectName ) Dim ExecuteString ExecuteString = "Dim " & strTarget & " : " ExecuteString = ExecuteString & "Set " & strTarget & " = " Select Case ScriptType Case 1 ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _ "WScript.CreateObject(" Case 2 ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _ "CreateObject(" Case 3 ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _ "Server.CreateObject(" Case Else ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _ "CreateObject(" End Select ExecuteString = ExecuteString & Dd( strObjectName ) & ")" ExecuteGlobal ExecuteString End Function REM ********************************************************** REM FileSystemObject の取得 REM ExecuteGlobal で定義されたグローバルな変数は REM ローカルスコープで即参照できない REM ********************************************************** Function GetFso( ) if not IsObject( Fso ) then Call GetObj( "Fso", "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM テキストファイル一括取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetTextFile( strPath ) GetFso Dim objHandle on error resume next Set objHandle = Fso.OpenTextFile( strPath, 1 ) if Err.Number <> 0 then ErrorMessage = Err.Description GetTextFile = "" else GetTextFile = objHandle.ReadAll objHandle.Close end if on error goto 0 End Function Function GetTextFileUnicode( strPath ) GetFso Dim objHandle on error resume next Set objHandle = Fso.OpenTextFile( strPath, 1, , True ) if Err.Number <> 0 then ErrorMessage = Err.Description GetTextFileUnicode = "" else GetTextFileUnicode = objHandle.ReadAll objHandle.Close end if on error goto 0 End Function REM ********************************************************** REM テキストファイル一括書き込み REM ********************************************************** Function PutTextFile( strPath, strValue ) GetFso Dim objHandle on error resume next Set objHandle = Fso.CreateTextFile( strPath, True ) if Err.Number <> 0 then ErrorMessage = Err.Description else objHandle.Write( strValue ) objHandle.Close end if on error goto 0 End Function REM ********************************************************** REM テキストファイル一括書き込み( Unicode ) REM ********************************************************** Function PutTextFileUnicode( strPath, strValue ) GetFso Dim objHandle on error resume next Set objHandle = Fso.CreateTextFile( strPath, True, True ) if Err.Number <> 0 then ErrorMessage = Err.Description else objHandle.Write( strValue ) objHandle.Close end if on error goto 0 End Function REM ********************************************************** REM WScript.Shell の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetWshShell( ) if not IsObject( WshShell ) then Call GetObj( "WshShell", "WScript.Shell" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 非同期実行 REM ********************************************************** Function RunAsync( strCommand ) GetWshShell Call WshShell.Run( strCommand ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 同期実行( 必要ならコマンドプロンプトを開く ) REM ********************************************************** Function RunSync( strCommand ) GetWshShell Call WshShell.Run( strCommand, , True ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 同期実行( コマンドプロンプトを開かない ) REM ********************************************************** Function RunSync2( strCommand ) GetWshShell Call WshShell.Run( strCommand, 0, True ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM CMD.EXE 実行 REM ********************************************************** Function RunCmd( nCols, strCommand ) strCommand = "cmd.exe /c mode con: cols=" & nCols & " & " & strCommand GetWshShell Call WshShell.Run( strCommand, 3 ) End Function Function RunCmdOpen( nCols, strCommand ) strCommand = "cmd.exe /k mode con: cols=" & nCols & " & " & strCommand GetWshShell Call WshShell.Run( strCommand, 3 ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM バッチファイル 実行 REM ********************************************************** Function RunBat( strName ) Dim strPath,strCommand strPath = Tempdir & "\" & strName & ".bat" Call PutTextFile( strPath, GetInline(strName) ) strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & Dd( strPath ) RunSync( strCommand ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM バッチファイル パラメータ(置き換え)実行 REM ********************************************************** Function RunBatParam( strName, bPause, strParamList ) Dim strPath,strCommand,aParam,str,I aParam = Split(strParamList,",") strPath = Tempdir & "\" & strName & ".bat" str = GetInline(strName) For I = 0 to Ubound( aParam ) step 2 str = Replace( str, aParam(I), aParam(I+1) ) Next Call PutTextFile( strPath, str ) strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & Dd( strPath ) RunSync( strCommand ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM PHP 実行 REM ********************************************************** Function RunPhp( strName, bPause ) Dim strPath,strCommand strPath = Tempdir & "\" & strName & ".php" Call PutTextFile( strPath, GetInline(strName) ) if bPause then strCommand = "cmd.exe /c php.exe " & Dd( strPath ) & " & pause" else strCommand = "php.exe " & Dd( strPath ) end if RunSync( strCommand ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM PHP パラメータ(置き換え)実行 REM ********************************************************** Function RunPhpParam( strName, bPause, strParamList ) Dim strPath,strCommand,aParam,str,I aParam = Split(strParamList,",") strPath = Tempdir & "\" & strName & ".php" str = GetInline(strName) For I = 0 to Ubound( aParam ) step 2 str = Replace( str, aParam(I), aParam(I+1) ) Next Call PutTextFile( strPath, str ) if bPause then strCommand = "cmd.exe /c php.exe " & Dd( strPath ) & " & pause" else strCommand = "php.exe " & Dd( strPath ) end if RunSync( strCommand ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM XCOPY で新しいファイルのみコピー REM ********************************************************** Function CopyNewfile(SourceDir,DestinationDir) Dim nRet GetWshShell ExecCommand = "xcopy.exe """ & SourceDir & """ """ & DestinationDir & """ /D /E /C /S /Y" RunSync( ExecCommand ) End function Function CopyNewfileNoSubdir(SourceDir,DestinationDir) Dim nRet GetWshShell ExecCommand = "xcopy.exe """ & SourceDir & """ """ & DestinationDir & """ /D /C /Y" RunSync( ExecCommand ) End function REM ********************************************************** REM XCOPY で全てのファイルコピー REM ********************************************************** Function CopyAllfile(SourceDir,DestinationDir) Dim nRet GetWshShell ExecCommand = "xcopy.exe """ & SourceDir & """ """ & DestinationDir & """ /E /C /S /Y" RunSync( ExecCommand ) End function Function CopyAllfileNoSubdir(SourceDir,DestinationDir) Dim nRet GetWshShell ExecCommand = "xcopy.exe """ & SourceDir & """ """ & DestinationDir & """ /C /Y" RunSync( ExecCommand ) End function REM ********************************************************** REM WScript.Network の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetWshNetwork( ) if not IsObject( WshNetwork ) then Call GetObj( "WshNetwork", "WScript.Network" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ディクショナリオブジェクトの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetDic( ) if not IsObject( Dic ) then Call GetObj( "Dic", "Scripting.Dictionary" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM Shell オブジェクトの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetShell( ) if not IsObject( Shell ) then Call GetObj( "Shell", "Shell.Application" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM フォルダ選択 REM ********************************************************** Function SelectDir( strTitle ) if ScriptType <> 3 then else Exit Function end if GetShell Dim obj Set obj = Shell.BrowseForFolder( 0, strTitle, &H4B, 0 ) if obj is nothing then SelectDir = "" Exit Function end if if not obj.Self.IsFileSystem then ErrorMessage = "ファイルシステムではありません" SelectDir = "" Exit Function end if SelectDir = obj.Self.Path End Function Function SelectDirAndFile( strTitle ) if ScriptType <> 3 then else Exit Function end if GetShell Dim obj on error resume next Set obj = Shell.BrowseForFolder( 0, strTitle, 11 + &h4000, 0 ) if Err.Number <> 0 then ErrorMessage = "ファイルが選択されました" SelectDirAndFile = "" Exit Function end if on error goto 0 if obj is nothing then SelectDirAndFile = "" Exit Function end if if not obj.Self.IsFileSystem then ErrorMessage = "ファイルシステムではありません" SelectDirAndFile = "" Exit Function end if SelectDirAndFile = obj.Self.Path End Function REM ********************************************************** REM エクスプローラで開く REM ********************************************************** Function OpenDir( strPath ) strCommand = "explorer.exe /e," & Dd(strPath) RunSync(strCommand) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ADO Connection オブジェクトの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetCn( ) if not IsObject( Cn ) then Call GetObj( "Cn", "ADODB.Connection" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ADO Recordset オブジェクトの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetRs( ) if not IsObject( Rs ) then Call GetObj( "Rs", "ADODB.Recordset" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ADO Stream オブジェクトの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetStream( ) if not IsObject( Stream ) then Call GetObj( "Stream", "ADODB.Stream" ) end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ADOX.Catalog の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetAdox( ) if not IsObject( Adox ) then Call GetObj( "Adox", "ADOX.Catalog" ) end if End Function REM End Set REM ********************************************************** REM カレントディレクトリを返す REM ********************************************************** Function CurDir( ) GetWshShell CurDir = WshShell.CurrentDirectory End Function REM ********************************************************** REM スクリプトが存在する場所を返す REM ********************************************************** Function ScriptDir( ) Dim obj,strPath,aData,I ScriptDir = "" Select Case ScriptType Case 1 GetFso strPath = WScript.ScriptFullName Set obj = Fso.GetFile( strPath ) Set obj = obj.ParentFolder ScriptDir = obj.Path Case 2 strPath = window.location aData = Split( strPath, "/" ) strPath = "" For I = 3 to Ubound( aData ) - 1 if I <> 3 then strPath = strPath & "\" end if strPath = strPath & aData( I ) Next ScriptDir = strPath Case 3 ScriptDir = Server.MapPath( "./" ) Case Else End Select End Function REM ********************************************************** REM Shell フォルダを返す REM ********************************************************** Function GetShellDir( nID ) Dim objFolder,objFolderItem GetShell Set objFolder = Shell.Namespace(nID) Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self GetShellDir = objFolderItem.Path End Function REM ********************************************************** REM プログラムフォルダを返す ( Program Files ) REM ********************************************************** Function ProgDir( ) ProgDir = GetShellDir( &H26 ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM テンプレートフォルダを返す REM ********************************************************** Function TemplateDir( ) TemplateDir = GetShellDir( &H15 ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ユーザーフォルダを返す REM ********************************************************** Function UserDir( ) UserDir = GetShellDir( &H28 ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM テンポラリフォルダを返す REM ********************************************************** Function TempDir( ) GetFso TempDir = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM Windows ディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function WinDir( ) WinDir = GetShellDir( &H24 ) if False then Dim strComputer,objWMIService,colOSes,objOS strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colOSes = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each objOS in colOSes WinDir = objOS.WindowsDirectory Next end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM Windows System ディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function SysDir( ) SysDir = GetShellDir( &H25 ) if False then Dim strComputer,objWMIService,colOSes,objOS strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colOSes = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each objOS in colOSes SysDir = objOS.SystemDirectory Next end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM SpecialFolder の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetSpecialFolder( strName ) GetWshShell GetSpecialFolder = WshShell.SpecialFolders(strName) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM SendTo ディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function SendtoDir( ) SendtoDir = GetSpecialFolder("SendTo") End Function REM ********************************************************** REM お気に入りディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function FavDir( ) FavDir = GetSpecialFolder("Favorites") End Function REM ********************************************************** REM デスクトップディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function DesktopDir( ) DesktopDir = GetSpecialFolder("Desktop") End Function REM ********************************************************** REM StartMenu ディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function MenuDir( ) MenuDir = GetSpecialFolder("StartMenu") End Function REM ********************************************************** REM MyDocuments ディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function MyDocDir( ) MyDocDir = GetSpecialFolder("MyDocuments") End Function REM ********************************************************** REM スタートアップディレクトリの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function StartupDir( ) StartupDir = GetSpecialFolder("Startup") End Function REM ********************************************************** REM ユーザ名の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetUser( ) GetWshNetwork GetUser = WshNetwork.UserName End Function REM ********************************************************** REM コンピュータ名の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetCpname( ) GetWshNetwork GetCpname = WshNetwork.ComputerName End Function REM ********************************************************** REM メッセージボックス REM ********************************************************** Function OkCancel( str ) Dim ret if ScriptType <> 3 then else Exit Function end if if vbOK = MsgBox( str & "", vbOKCancel, "laylaClass" ) then OkCancel = True else OkCancel = False end if End Function Function YesNo( str ) Dim ret if ScriptType <> 3 then else Exit Function end if if vbYes = MsgBox( str & "", vbYesNo, "laylaClass" ) then YesNo = True else YesNo = False end if End Function Function MsgOk( str ) if ScriptType <> 3 then else Exit Function end if Call MsgBox( str & "", 0, "laylaClass" ) End Function Function MsgErr( str ) if ScriptType <> 3 then else Exit Function end if Call MsgBox( str & "", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "laylaClass" ) End Function REM ************************************************ REM 指定範囲の整数の乱数を取得 REM ************************************************ Function Random( nMin, nMax ) Randomize Random = nMin + Int(Rnd * (nMax - nMin + 1)) End function Function SameRandom( nMin, nMax ) SameRandom = nMin + Int(Rnd * (nMax - nMin + 1)) End function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列が指定文字グループのみで構成されているか REM ********************************************************** Function IsGroup( strTarget, strGroup ) Dim nWorkLen,I,strChar if strTarget & "" <> "" then else IsGroup = True Exit Function end if nWorkLen = Len( strTarget ) For I = 1 to nWorkLen strChar = Mid( strTarget, I, 1 ) if InStr( strGroup, strChar ) = 0 then IsGroup = False Exit Function end if Next IsGroup = True End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列グループの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GroupString( nGroup ) Dim strWork Select Case nGroup REM 0 〜 9 Case 1 GroupString = "0123456789" REM 英字 Case 2 GroupString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" REM 半角カナ Case 3 GroupString = "アイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワヲンァィゥェォャュョッ゙゚ー。「」、・" REM 半角上記以外 Case 4 GroupString = " @`!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~" & Chr(&h22) REM 0 〜 9 Case 5 GroupString = "0123456789" REM 英字 Case 6 GroupString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" REM 半角カナ Case 7 GroupString = "アイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワヲンァィゥェォャュョッ゛゜ー。「」、・" REM 半角上記以外 Case 8 GroupString = " @`!#$%&’()*+,−./:;<=>?[¥]^_{|}〜”" Case Else GroupString = "" End Select End Function REM ************************************************ REM 半角を全角に変換 REM ************************************************ Function Han2Zen( strValue ) Dim strRet,strTarget1,strTarget2,i,nLen strRet = strValue strTarget1 = GroupString( 1 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 5 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next strTarget1 = GroupString( 2 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 6 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next strTarget1 = GroupString( 3 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 7 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next strTarget1 = GroupString( 4 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 8 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next Han2Zen = strRet End function REM ************************************************ REM 全角を半角に変換 REM ************************************************ Function Zen2Han( strValue ) Dim strRet,strTarget1,strTarget2,i,nLen strRet = strValue strTarget1 = GroupString( 5 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 1 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next strTarget1 = GroupString( 6 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 2 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next strTarget1 = GroupString( 7 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 3 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next strTarget1 = GroupString( 8 ) strTarget2 = GroupString( 4 ) nLen = Len(strTarget1) For i = 1 to nLen strRet = Replace(strRet,Mid(strTarget1,i,1), Mid(strTarget2,i,1) ) Next Zen2Han = strRet End function REM ************************************************ REM 文字列(日付形式を含む)から整数 REM 通常文字列は 0 になる REM ************************************************ Function AtoI( strValue ) on error resume next AtoI = CLng( strValue ) if Err.Number <> 0 then Err.Clear strValue = DateValue( strValue ) if Err.Number <> 0 then AtoI = 0 else AtoI = CLng( strValue ) end if end if on error goto 0 End function REM ************************************************ REM 整数から日付文字列を取得 REM ************************************************ Function ItoDate( nData ) nData = Fix(nData) ItoDate = Cdate(nData) & "" End function REM ************************************************ REM 日付表現の経過日数を取得 REM ************************************************ Function DateSub( vDate2, vDate1 ) vDate2 = DateValue( vDate2 & "" ) vDate1 = DateValue( vDate1 & "" ) DateSub = CLng( vDate2 ) - CLng( vDate1 ) End function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列を指定して、変数にオブシェクトを作成させる REM ********************************************************** Function GetWmi( strTarget ) Dim ExecuteString ExecuteString = "Dim " & strTarget & " : " ExecuteString = ExecuteString & "Set " & strTarget & " = " ExecuteString = ExecuteString & "GetObject(" ExecuteString = ExecuteString & Dd("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") ExecuteString = ExecuteString & ")" ExecuteGlobal ExecuteString End Function REM ********************************************************** REM OS バージョンの取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetOSVersion( ) GetWmi("Wmi") Dim colTarget,str,aData,I,nTarget Set colTarget = Wmi.ExecQuery( "select Version from Win32_OperatingSystem" ) For Each objRow in colTarget str = objRow.Version Next aData = Split( str, "." ) For I = 0 to Ubound( aData ) if I > 1 then Exit For end if if I > 0 then nTarget = nTarget & "." end if nTarget = nTarget & aData(I) Next GetOSVersion = CDbl( nTarget ) End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列の最後の . 以降の文字列の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetExt( strValue ) Dim aData aData = Split(strValue,".") if Ubound( aData ) > 0 then GetExt = aData(Ubound( aData )) if Instr( GetExt, "\" ) > 0 then GetExt = "" end if else GetExt = "" end if End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 文字列の最後の . 以降の文字列の取得 REM ********************************************************** Function GetFileName( strValue ) Dim aData,str,I aData = Split(strValue,"\") strValue = aData(Ubound(aData)) aData = Split(strValue,".") if Ubound( aData ) > 0 then For I = 0 to Ubound(aData)-1 if I <> 0 then GetFileName = GetFileName & "." end if GetFileName = GetFileName & aData(I) Next else GetFileName = aData(0) end if End Function DelChar = Chr(0) Sep = vbCrLf SORT_STRING_MAX = 1024 REM ********************************************** REM 配列追加 REM ********************************************** Function ArrayAdd( aTarget, strValue ) ReDim Preserve aTarget(Ubound(aTarget)+1) aTarget( Ubound(aTarget) ) = strValue End Function REM ********************************************** REM 配列挿入 REM ********************************************** Function ArrayInsert( aTarget, nIndex, strValue ) Dim strWork if nIndex = -1 then aTarget( 0 ) = strValue & Sep & aTarget( 0 ) else aTarget( nIndex ) = _ aTarget( nIndex ) & Sep & strValue end if strWork = Join( aTarget, Sep ) aTarget = Split( strWork, Sep ) End Function REM ********************************************** REM 配列要素削除 REM ********************************************** Function ArrayDelete( aTarget, nIndex ) Dim strValue aTarget( nIndex ) = DelChar strValue = Join( aTarget, Sep ) strValue = Replace( strValue, DelChar & Sep, "" ) strValue = Replace( strValue, Sep & DelChar, "" ) aTarget = Split( strValue, Sep ) End Function REM ********************************************** REM テキストフイルより読み込み REM ********************************************** Function ArrayLoad( aTarget, strPath ) Dim objHandle,strWork GetFso Set objHandle = Fso.OpenTextFile( strPath, 1 ) aTarget = Split( objHandle.ReadAll, Sep ) objHandle.Close if aTarget( Ubound( aTarget ) ) = "" then Call ArrayDelete( aTarget, Ubound( aTarget ) ) end if End Function REM ********************************************** REM ソート REM ********************************************** Function ArraySort( aTarget, bDesc ) Dim Rs Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Rs.Fields.Append "ソート", 130, SORT_STRING_MAX Rs.Open For I = 0 to Ubound( aTarget ) Rs.AddNew Rs.Fields("ソート").Value = aTarget(I) Rs.Update Next if bDesc then Rs.Sort = "ソート desc" else Rs.Sort = "ソート" end if Rs.MoveFirst aTarget = Array() Do while not Rs.EOF Call ArrayAdd( aTarget, Rs.Fields("ソート").Value ) Rs.MoveNext Loop Rs.Close ArraySort = aTarget End Function REM ********************************************************** REM 日付・時間によるキー文字列を取得 REM ********************************************************** Function DateKey( ) Dim strKey strKey = Replace(Now(),"/","") strKey = Replace(strKey,":","") strKey = Replace(strKey," ","") DateKey = strKey End Function